Books in Order: A Comprehensive List of Lesley Horton’s Top Novels

Books in Order: Diving Deep into Lesley Horton’s Remarkable Crime Novels

Engrossing the reader’s attention from start to finish, we plunge into the sequence of suspenseful crime fiction delivered by Lesley Horton. Born in 1939 and ending her earthly sojourn in 2018, Horton painted vivid tales steeped in thrilling capers and unexpected culminations. Her predominant piece, the Detective Inspector (DI) Handford series, showcases the zenith of her literary prowess. But Horton didn’t begin her journey as a novelist.

Lesley Horton: The Woman Behind the Books

Prior to embarking on her literary journey, Horton cajoled young minds as a teacher- nurturing creativity, fostering imagination, and inspiring a love for learning. Transfering the detailed observance apparent in her classroom endeavours, she worked as a local journalist. It was during these years that she honed her knack for crafting gripping narratives, a talent that would subsequently grace the pages of her riveting novels. Rooted in the scenic expanse of West Yorkshire, Lesley balanced her pursuits with the familiar joys of a family comprised of three children and four adorable cherubs.

The Evolution of a Remarkable Writing Style

Horton debuted as a novelist in 2002, shaking the world of crime fiction with Snares of Guilt. This marked the genesis of the DI Handford series, catapulting her to the spotlight. Employing her well-honed storytelling techniques, Horton’s writing style uniquely merged character development with tantalizing suspense. Her ability to deftly knit a narrative tapestry kept readers rapt, eagerly anticipating the next turn of events.

In 2008, her literary journey culminated in the thrilling novel Twisted Tracks. This was her final piece, a fitting end to the era of her storytelling stint. In total, she scribed five novels, each enhancing the suspenseful saga of Detective Inspector John Handford.

Lesley Horton’s Books in Order

To fully immerse in Lesley Horton’s compelling storytelling, it’s worth exploring her books in order. This enables the reader to trace the evolutionary narrative arc and appreciate the development of her distinctive characters. Listed below are Lesley Horton’s books in order of when they were first released, each title a remarkable testament to her unique writing style and unparalleled storytelling adeptness:

Publication Order of DI Handford Books

Snares of Guilt (2002) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
On Dangerous Ground (2003) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Devils In The Mirror (2005) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
The Hollow Core (2006) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Twisted Tracks (2008) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price

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