Books in Order: The Complete Chronological Collection by Jane Austen

“Books in Order: An Insight into Jane Austen’s Remarkable Literary Journey

Bio of the Renowned Author – Jane Austen (1775-1817) was an esteemed author of amorous fiction prevalent for her classics such as ‘Sense and Sensibility’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Austen’s memorable literary creations coupled with her profound social commentaries immortalised her in the annals of literary history. Today, her legacy continues to thrive, nearly two centuries post her demise.

Delving into Austen’s life remains somewhat a mystery, with a significant chunk of her personal communications lost. From an array of 3000 letters written by Austen, a meager 160 survived the annals of time. Despite her relatively short lifespan, Jane Austen’s ineffable talent shone through in her literary works.

Austen’s Unique Writing Style

Austen’s literary brilliance encompasses four novels published during her lifetime, alongside a captivating short story titled ‘Lady Susan’. Additionally, her literary repertoire includes a collection of poems, letters, prayers, and juvenilia penned during her young age.

Austen’s writing style is noted for its exquisite narrative style and clever, humorous commentary on society and the laws of nature. Her carefully crafted sentences and sharp dialogues, filled with indirect free thought and irony, continue to inspire readers all over the world. Her brilliant art of storytelling transforms everyday events into fascinating tales, making her one of the most beloved authors of all time.

Posthumously, two of Austen’s novels – ‘Northanger Abbey’ and ‘Persuasion’ – were published. Moreover, her legacy continues with two unfinished novels she left behind, which have since been completed numerous times by her devoted fans.

Jane Austen’s Books in Order

A comprehensive list of Jane Austen’s published works in sequence of when they were originally released serves as an insightful glimpse into her remarkable literary journey.

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Watsons (1804) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Sense and Sensibility (1811) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Pride and Prejudice (1813) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Mansfield Park (1814) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Emma (1815) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Sanditon (1817) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Northanger Abbey (1818) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price
Persuasion (1818) Best Hardcover PriceBest Paperback PriceBest Kindle Price

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